A century of Snacks
In 1913, Philip Lance took 500 pounds of unwanted peanuts and turned them into a business that would go on to change the history of snacking forever! Today, more than 100 years later, we’re still making history and we still make our own peanut butter! Read the whole story.

1913: Philip L. Lance, a Charlotte food broker, gets stuck with 500 pounds of raw peanuts. Instead of backing out of his deal, Lance has a revelation: roast and sell the nuts for a nickel a bag. The freshly roasted peanuts were an immediate success and Lance was inspired to expand his line to include peanut butter.

1915: Lance’s son-in-law, Salem Van Every, becomes a partner. Around this time, Lance’s wife Mary, and their two daughters spread Lance’s peanut butter between two crackers and the now-famous peanut butter sandwich cracker was born.

1922: The Lance sales force grows from a single salesman, James H. Wilson, to a team of 11 men handling sales in the Carolinas.

1926: Salem Van Every takes control of the business and the company officially becomes Lance Packaging Company.

1935: Despite the nation’s virtually paralyzed economy during the Depression, Lance continues to grow and prosper, recording its first million-dollar sales year.

1938: A classic is born. Lance begins baking its own crackers, and soon after introduces ToastChee.

1954: Hello snack machines. The first Lance vending machine is placed on location, replacing the earlier “honor system” coin boxes.

1960: It’s a snacking success. By this time, Lance products are sold in 24 states and annual sales volume nears $26 million. Also growing is the extensive Lance product line.

Mid-1980s: Lance on aisle 3. Lance adds grocery stores to its distribution process with the introduction of the Home Pack, specifically packaged products designed for supermarket sales.

1990: Lance continues to adapt to new technology, a changing business environment and changing consumer tastes, resulting in improved operating efficiencies, greater innovation and exciting new factories.

2009: Snacking right. Lance adds sandwich crackers baked with whole grain and 100-calorie packs to its product line.

2013: 100 years of snacking. For a century, Lance has been fueling families across the country with delicious and innovative snacks made with what you love.

2014-Present: As the official sandwich cracker of Little League Baseball and Softball, Lance is now helping to fuel fans on and off the field, supporting the national pastime.

2020: Lance is still making its own peanut butter and using real cheese filling in all of its sandwich crackers.